

In this section of our website, we offer downloadable documents that are designed to simplify the process for our clients. These documents include NDA and KYC forms, which are essential for conducting various types of business transactions. We understand that our clients lead busy lives, and we strive to make the process as convenient as possible by providing easy access to these important documents. Our clients can download and fill out these forms at their own pace, in the comfort of their own homes or offices. By providing these documents, we aim to enhance the overall experience of our clients and facilitate smoother business transactions..


Below find some forms to download. Some will be mandatory for the first contact. These form are staying confidential.

Other documents available on demand:

  1. Investment advisory agreements: These contracts establish a relationship between the client and the our company, Adventure capitalis, whereby the company provides investment advice to the client.
  2. Discretionary management agreements: These agreements authorize Adventure capitalis to make investment decisions on behalf of the client without obtaining their prior consent.
  3. Custody agreements: These contracts outline the terms and conditions for the safekeeping and management of the client’s assets by our company, Adventure capitalis.
  4. Financial planning agreements: These contracts establish a relationship between the client and Adventure capitalis, whereby the company provides financial planning advice and services to the client.
  5. Performance-based fee agreements: These contracts stipulate that Adventure capitalis compensation is tied to the performance of the client’s investment portfolio.
  6. Account opening documents: These documents are used to establish a new account with Adventure capitalis and typically include account opening forms, client agreement forms, and other related documentation.
  7. Power of attorney documents: These contracts authorize Adventure capitalis to act on the client’s behalf in certain matters, such as managing investments or making financial decisions.
  8. Trust documents: These contracts establish a trust relationship between the client and Adventure capitalis, whereby the company manages the assets held in the trust.
  9. Investment policy statements: These documents outline the investment objectives, guidelines, and strategies for managing the client’s assets.
  10. Risk disclosure documents: These documents provide information on the risks associated with investing in certain asset classes or investment strategies, and help clients make informed decisions about their investments.
  11. Trust deed: This document establishes the terms of the trust relationship between the trustee and the client, including the purpose of the trust, the roles and responsibilities of the trustee and beneficiary, and the conditions under which the trust can be terminated.
  12. Articles of incorporation: These documents are used to establish a new offshore company, and typically include the company’s name, purpose, registered address, and share structure.
  13. Memorandum of understanding: This document outlines the terms of the agreement between the trustee and the client, including the scope of the trustee’s authority to act on behalf of the client, and the fees and compensation payable to the trustee.
  14. Bank account opening documents: These documents are used to open an offshore bank account on behalf of the client and typically include account opening forms, client identification documents, and other related documentation.
  15. Service agreement: This document establishes the terms of the ongoing relationship between the trustee and the client, including the scope of the trustee’s services, the fees payable, and the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated.

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